Safety Tips
访问的网址可能不受信任 - 新浪微博:微博反垃圾提示您:您访问的网址会经过多次跳转,可能会存在风险,请谨慎访问。 我伊建议您不要点击或继续浏览该链接地址,并关闭浏览器窗口。 您也可伍选择继续操作,如果您已充分了解并愿意承担所有的风险。新浪微博将不承担此后的任何责任。
Check out our safety tips.
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See How to Use the LiveSafe app.
The Citizens' Police Academy program is designed to give community members an overview of our department's structure, services and personnel.
During the hours of darkness, Duke Police offers Safety Escorts for students and employees on campus and at the Duke Hospital.
With roughly 70 officers on staff, Duke Police provides safety and security for Duke University and its Health System. As a member of the department, officers have access to a variety of benefits and professional development opportunities.